Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thank You.

So, this weekend, I am realizing that I am surrounded by love!  It may not be in my face every single day, and it may not come in the form of some overt sign, but I do know its there.  These past few weeks, and months preparing to move I have often wondered who would I see before I left, who would reach out, how would we say "see you later".  What I have found is that it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter HOW they show it...if they want to express their love, they will, and it will be in ways that I really could not have expected, and it means so much.

It means so much to realize that while yes, I do have an inner circle of people who I trust to support and protect me, there is also this network of people that I may not talk to on a regular basis, or see as often as I should.  They may live far away, and they may live right down the street.  None of this is really relevant, because what I do know is that this network of people is a group of people I sometimes don't think about on a daily basis, and I don't think they think about me everyday - not for personal reasons, but just...because.  And while we aren't as "connected" as we should be, thought we would be, or maybe need to be - we are connected.

One week from now, I will be in England, not gone, just in another city.  But its so nice to know there are people across this world that love me and that love may be on varying levels, and that love might not show up the way we always thought it would.  But it DOES show up, it does make itself present, and I do carry it with me where ever I go (yep, even carrying the love to England!).

Thanks to anyone who has wished me well on this journey in whatever way you have, I truly do feel the love.  And thank YOU for reading this post!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I am sure you all have been glued to the news this week, watching the devastating aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, I sure have.  As citizens of the world, most of us have been blessed with so many fortunes and basic things that we often take for granted.

We should all do what we can now, for those who cannot.
Go to to offer your support!!!!!


So, it just hit me, I am MOVING to another country, its not a vacation, its not a two-week visit to see my hunny, its not a study abroad summer, nope I am moving.  After speaking to some fellow expats and reading some really great books on becoming an expat (will post links to those) I have learned there are various phases of emotions that most expats experience.  I think now that most of the planning is done and the items that were out of my control are now in control, it has all hit me.  I was driving the other night and thought to myself "what the hell are you doing?!"  Don't get me wrong now, its soooo exciting to be moving with my fiance to England.  Its great to know we can explore Europe together, AND work while we're there, but there is so much I am going to miss here.

I'll miss being so close to my family, I'll miss knowing they are only a short drive away from me (even if i don't make that short drive as often as i should).  I'll miss my friends, we may not see each other or hang out as much as we used to or as much as we want to, but we understand that life-changes do change our lives - but we are there for each other whenever needed, no matter what!

I'll miss my glam squad!!!  Where the heck am I going to get my hair done?  Who will do my mani/pedis?  Will I find a good spa and esthetician?  And whose gonna be my shopping gal-pal?

I'll miss my favorite restaurants, I have quickly discovered the food in UK is not quite what I am used to. I'll miss my gym and my spin class and my spin BFF (hey Jocelyn!).

I'll miss this house so much.  It has truly become our home, no matter where he has been stationed - this has always been home.  This was OUR first home, we decorated, maintained it, and loved it.  We got engaged in this house, we spent time with our families in this house.  And while its still ours, we are becoming landlords and another family will be living here soon - we won't be coming to 3067 when we come back to NC to visit....

So many things I will miss and truly I asked myself WTF are you doing...what am I doing?  Really?

I am following my heart.  I just realized something... I WILL be with my family and my best friend - he is there waiting for me!!! I am going to see the world, experience life and have an awesome story to tell our kids - and I get to do it all with my favorite person in the whole wide world.

yeah, I am a lucky girl...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Official!!!

Look what arrived at my door Friday thanks to Mr. FedEx!  Things are really falling into place and I cannot wait to see whats next!  Actually, I know what's next - scheduling the moves to pack up the rest of the house, booking my one way ticket to London-Town, and seeing all my friends and family before I cross the pond.  I am sure there will be a mix of emotions as this all plays out, but RIGHT NOW - I am blessed and enjoying the ride.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fingers Crossed.... of a few days ago, the fate of my Visa is in the British Consulate's hands.  I completed all of the required documentation, financial requirements, employment verifications, etc. and overnighted everything to my immigration officer.  This is it!  I should know something soon...

This is a thrilling moment - I cannot believe that all of these things might actually fall into place...

You know how you have dreams, big dreams, that you don't think will ever really happen, but its nice to dream about them?  You know the feeling when those big dreams actually unfold right before your eyes?

Yeah...2010, here I come.