Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thank You.

So, this weekend, I am realizing that I am surrounded by love!  It may not be in my face every single day, and it may not come in the form of some overt sign, but I do know its there.  These past few weeks, and months preparing to move I have often wondered who would I see before I left, who would reach out, how would we say "see you later".  What I have found is that it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter HOW they show it...if they want to express their love, they will, and it will be in ways that I really could not have expected, and it means so much.

It means so much to realize that while yes, I do have an inner circle of people who I trust to support and protect me, there is also this network of people that I may not talk to on a regular basis, or see as often as I should.  They may live far away, and they may live right down the street.  None of this is really relevant, because what I do know is that this network of people is a group of people I sometimes don't think about on a daily basis, and I don't think they think about me everyday - not for personal reasons, but just...because.  And while we aren't as "connected" as we should be, thought we would be, or maybe need to be - we are connected.

One week from now, I will be in England, not gone, just in another city.  But its so nice to know there are people across this world that love me and that love may be on varying levels, and that love might not show up the way we always thought it would.  But it DOES show up, it does make itself present, and I do carry it with me where ever I go (yep, even carrying the love to England!).

Thanks to anyone who has wished me well on this journey in whatever way you have, I truly do feel the love.  And thank YOU for reading this post!


  1. awww love you al! i'm so glad we were all able to get together as a group last night. you definitely do have alot of people that care and love you! i'm truly going to miss gathering at your home, going out to eat, and most of all your sense of humor! but i have to remind myself it is only for a short time. love ya hun!

  2. I love this realization. I am a firm believer that we are all connected and I'm glad to see you're 'seeing' how these connections stretch, grow and adapt.

  3. yes bobtastik! very ummm "avatar" isnt it? now that that i think about it!
